Water Quality Presentations
Clearwater Habitat - Bioassessment
(Power Point - 5.38 mb) -
TMDL Presentation for January 15, 2005 - Fecal Coliform
Impairment on the Trout Stream Reach of the Clearwater River
(Power Point - 6.30 mb) -
TMDL Presentation for July 26th, 2004 - Fecal Coliform
Impairment on the Trout Stream Reach of the Clearwater River
(Power Point - 5.44 mb) -
RLWD Presentation for UMC Landuse Class
[PDF Version - 1.5 mb] - RLWD Water Quality Monitoring and the 2005 MPCA Preliminary Assessment (Power Point - 8.64mb) [PDF Version]
RLWD Projects for Overall Advisory Committee Meeting
(Power Point - 30.1 mb) [PDF Version] - 2005 Water Quality Monitoring Training - Using Standard Operating Procedures in the Field (Power Point - 8.01 mb)
- RLWD 10-yr Plan Presentation for the 2005 International Water Conference (Power Point - 12.3 mb)
- Red Lake River Watershed Farm to Stream Tile Drainage Study Presentation to the 2006 Tile Drainage Workshop in Moorhead, MN [PDF Version - 2,068 KB]
- Thief River Watershed Sediment Investigation presentation to the January 10, 2007 Northwest Regional Sustainable Development Partnership (Power Point - 9.12 MB)
- 2008 Red Lake River Watershed Farm to Stream Tile Drainage Study Presentation (PowerPoint - 9 mb)
- 2008 Water Quality Monitoring Training - Using Standard Operating Procedures in the Field (PowerPoint - 9 mb)
Red River Basin Water Quality Team Presentations
June 2006 Meeting
Sheila Hanson - Waffle Project Landowner Survey
PowerPoint available upon request -
Bethany Bolles - SWAT Model Applications
PowerPoint available upon request -
Tom Groshens - Stream Channel Stability
PowerPoint available upon request
April 2006 Meeting
Philip J. Gerla - Estimating the Effect of Cropland to
Prairie Conversion on Peak Storm Runoff
PowerPoint available upon request -
Danni Halvorson - Red River Basin Monitoring Network
2005 Report
PowerPoint available upon request
Thief River Watershed Impoundment Meeting, December 15, 2005
Red Lake Watershed District Impoundments
(PowerPoint - 6.7 MB) -
Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge Impoundments
(PowerPoint - 5.17 MB) -
Thief Lake Impoundment - Minnesota DNR
(PowerPoint - 4.45 MB)   [PDF Version - 1.3 MB]
Flood Damage Reduction
Grand Marais FDR - Brandt Impoundment
(PowerPoint - 24.1 MB)
WLI Presentation
Grand Marais FDR - Brandt Impoundment
(PowerPoint - 24.1 MB)
Presentations for Download
2011 RRWMB AnnualConference
(PowerPoint - 24.1 MB)