Clearwater Lake Management Plan

The Clearwater Lake Management Plan was completed in late 2003. The Clearwater Lake Area Association applied for a Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources Challenge Grant for the project through the RLWD. The CLAA wanted to create a plan to improve/maintain lake water quality through active educational efforts with lakeshore owners and partnerships with local agencies. The Sustainable Lakes Planning Workbook was used as a guide for the management plan creation process.
Some elements of the Clearwater Lake Management Plan include:
- A property owner's survey that gathered information about existing septic systems, aquatic vegetation, sedimentation, and lakeshore damage.
- An extensive collection of historical lake information.
- A database with information for each individual parcel along the lake.
- Results and recommendations from the Clearwater Lake Water Quality Model Project.
- Development of a vision statement, mission statement, short and long-term goals, and an action plan with implementation goals.
CLMP Document Downloads (pdf)
Shoreland Best Management Practices Bulletins
University of Minnesota Extension Service
Click on the links below to download the bulletins. They may be viewed with the Adobe Acrobat Reader (see sidebar link). The information in these bulletins can also be viewed on the University of Minnesota Extension Service shoreland BMP website.
- Accessing Information to Protect Water Quality (2,879 KB)
- Caring for Shoreland Lawns and Gardents
- Conserving Water
- Developing Shoreland Landscapes and Construction Activities
- Ensuring a Safe Water Supply
- Installing a Shoreland Septic System
- Limiting Impact of Recreation on Water Quality
- Maintaining Your Shoreland Septic System (2,611 KB)
- Managing Crops and Animals Near Shorelands (2,433 KB)
- Managing Your Shoreland Woodlot (2,158 KB)
- Minimizing Runoff from Shoreland Property (2,179 KB)
- Preserving Wetlands
- Reducing the Use of Hazardous Household Products (2,163 KB)
- Shoreland Stewardship Scorecard (1,917 KB)
- Species of Concern (595 KB)
- Stabilizing Your Shoreline to Prevent Erosion (2,291 KB)
- Understanding Shoreland Best Management Practices (BMPs) (1,423 KB)
- Valuing Your Shoreland Trees (2,453 KB)