The RLWD Water Quality Project

The RLWD Water Quality Project has been active since 1984, reflecting the heightened awareness and increased concern for water quality from agencies and general public alike. The RLWD currently monitors 79 sites located throughout all major sub-watersheds within the watershed basin at least four times per year. The District, with the help of East Polk SWCD and community volunteers, sample many lakes within the watershed. These sites are also sampled at least four times per year. Some of these sites are U.S. Geologic Survey gauge sites and will remain permanent. The other sites may be changed to accommodate project needs and assessment strategies.
The RLWD Water Quality Project has produced a database for a wide variety of water quality indicators, including dissolved oxygen, water temperature, conductivity, pH, total phosphorus, orthophosphorus, total suspended solids (TSS), total dissolved solids (TDS), total Kjeldahl nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, nitrates and nitrites, fecal coliform, Chlorophyll a, and Biochemical oxygen demand. Since May of 2005, water quality samples have also been analyzed for Escherichia (E.) coli bacteria in order to conform to changing MPCA standards for pathogen monitoring.
Specific water quality issues vary with terrain, ecoregion, land use, season, and local hydrologic conditions. Project data reveals, for example, that dissolved oxygen is problematic in regions with large influxes of ground water and in wetland reaches with large amounts of oxygen-consuming vegetative decay. This is often compounded by elevated levels of phosphorus and nitrogen introduced by runoff from the surrounding land.
Soil erosion is another major problem within the Red Lake River Basin and throughout the entire Red River Basin. Best Management practices such as contour plowing and sediment barriers have helped to slow the pace of stream degredation, but land users and government must continue to invest time and resources to reverse the trend.
Water Quality Projects and Reports
The purpose of the Watershed District is to provide local organization to coordinate all water management decisions in the Watershed. Through these projects, local people are provided with legal and financial authority with which to act upon locally initiated projects aimed at solutions to water problems. Below is a listing of RLWD projects.
Water Quality Projects
- Bagley Urban Runoff Reduction (16.9 mb) - Clearwater County
- Beaver Pond Analysis (246 Kb) - Beltrami/Clearwater Counties
- Cameron Lake Watershed Monitoring - Polk County
- Clearbrook Urban Runoff Study, 2008 (246 Kb) - Clearwater County
- Clearwater Lake Management Plan - Clearwater/Beltrami Counties
- Clearwater Lake Water Quality Model Project - Clearwater/Beltrami
- Clearwater River Nonpoint Study, 1994
Clearwater Nonpoint Study Phase II
- Bank Stabilization Project (74 kb) - Red Lake/Clearwater Counties
- Wild Rice Water Quality Improvement (395 kb) - Clearwater Co.
- Conservation Riparian Buffer Strip (80 kb) - Clearwater Co.
- River Watch (435 kb) - Polk/Red Lake/Marshall/Clearwater/Beltrami
- Clearwater River Dissolved Oxygen and Fecal coliform TMDL Study
Clearwater River Environmental Study
(1.3 mb) - Pennington/Polk/
  Red Lake/Clearwater Counties -
Clearwater River Stream Bank Stabilization and
Revitalization Project
Clearwater River Bank
Stabilization and Revitalization Project
  Final Report (41.1 mb).  This is a very large file. Right-click on the
  link and select save as to download the file instead of just left-clicking
  on the link. -
Clearwater River Bank
Stabilization and Revitalization Project
  Final Report (13 mb) - Photographic Monitoring Section Only - 2005 Photographic Monitoring Only (3.5 mb)
- Lost River Erosion Control Project (Gully 6) - Clearwater County
Clearwater River Bank
Stabilization and Revitalization Project
Good Lake Water Quality Bioassessment
(293 kb) - Beltrami/Clearwater
  Counties - Grand Marais Creek Outlet Restoration - Polk County
- Grand Marais Creek Cut Channel Project - Polk County
- Grand Marais Creek WRAPS/TMDL - Polk County
Habitat/Bioassessment on the Clearwater
River (293 Kb) - Clearwater/
  Polk/Beltrami/Red Lake Counties - Lake Monitoring
- Maple Lake/JD 73 Study - Polk County
- Red Lake River Corridor Enhancement Project
- Red Lake River WRAPS/TMDL
- Red Lake Watershed Field to Stream Tile Drainage Study
- Red River Watershed Assessment Protocol (485 kb) - Red Lake Watershed District and the entire Red River Basin
- Thief River Falls Dissolved Oxygen and Hydrogen Sulfide Testing - Pennington/Marshall Counties
- Thief River Falls Reservoir Study - Pennington County
- Thief River Watershed Sediment Investigation
- Thief River WRAPS/TMDL
- TMDLs on the Clearwater River (6 kb) - Clearwater//Beltrami Counties
Total Suspended Sediment Loads (6.54 mb)
    Red Lake, Thief, Mud, and Moose Rivers - Turtle/Cross Lake Water Quality Study (547 kb) - Polk County