RLWD 10-Year Plan

The Minnesota Watershed Act state that the Managers, together with an Advisory Committee, shall develop an Overall Plan for the management of water and other natural resources of the Red Lake Watershed District. The Overall Plan will guide the Managers in their work and can be amended as the need arises. The success of the Overall Plan will depend on the desire of the citizens in the Red Lake Watershed District to initiate action that will help to solve watershed problems.

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Complete Document:

10-Year Plan by Section:

  1. Introduction (PDF)

  2. General Description of RLWD (PDF)

  3. Water Resources (PDF)

  4. Economic Development (PDF)

  5. Historic Flood Problems (PDF)

  6. Resource Management Strategies (PDF)

  7. Management Framework (PDF)

  8. Annual Monitoring and Evaluation Program (PDF)

  9. Projects (PDF)

  10. Conflicts With Programs/Policies of Other Jurisdictions (PDF)

  11. List of References (PDF)
